wanker of the day
Mark Foley? Oh, no, now that would be too easy.
How about Newt? Here's his opinion about those "activist judges" on the Supreme Court. He's an effin' looney!
Mark Foley? Oh, no, now that would be too easy.
This morning, I was sitting at the bar, reading something at the computer, when I heard a loud "thump" behind me. This being a rural area, the younger birds seem to be quite naive about windows, so the thud of birds hitting one of the windows on the house is fairly regular - one or two a day. I got up to go see if the bird made it, and found a young bird that turned out to be a Grace's warbler flat on it's back, feet in the air, breathing rapidly. I waited several minutes while the poor wee bird's breathing slowed, but it still could not orient itself. I sat on a nearby door sill to allow it a few more minutes, right next to my new friend here. I noticed movement beside me and turned to see this lovely mantis crawling up the door frame:
Well, here I am at my parents' place in Southwest Utah. It took a couple of days to figure out what settings I needed to toggle on my computer in order to get onto their wireless network, but I finally made it work. I am playing with a digital camera I am getting second-hand from one of my mom's friends down here, who is an excellent digital photographer and early adopter of new technologies, so he had a couple of cameras he wanted to get rid of (thanks, George!).
Yes, I know it's been forever since I last blogged, so sue me.
I wonder what the Shi'ites would have to say about that? You know, the ones in Southern Iraq? The ones who's leaders are aligned with the Imams in Iran?
The NYT has an article about Australian ornithologist Joseph Forshaw.
The Seattle-PI reports:
A 1993 Maryland police report, obtained Friday, shows that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mike McGavick was less candid than he seemed last week when he disclosed a previously unknown arrest for drunk driving.