Been a few weeks since I updated! Here's the latest from the world of parrots!
Aziza is responding well to her hCG treatment. Her last shot was last Saturday. Since about April 20, she's been acting much more like her old self, so much so that I've even started bathing her again. She's still getting terbenefine for her respiratory infection, and hopefully that is also resolving. She has two more months of treatment for that. Last week, she started molting - which seems to indicate that she's probably done making eggs for now (though we will probably keep her on hCG for awhile longer). She is gaining weight little by little, but she has a nice slimmed down profile now, like a normal bird. She isn't all heavy-looking around her abdomen, like she had been before, so I imagine her liver has shrunk back to normal size.
Everyone else is doing well. One funny thing. After I medicate Aziza in the evenings, I give her a treat so she can get the nasty taste out of her mouth. When she gets treats, the other birds want them too! Usually, Kelele will be on top of Koga's cage, which is next to Kianga's cage. Recently, Kelele has been sneaking up to my shoulder while I'm bending over to put treats in Kinaga's dish. A couple of times, he has tapped me on the shoulder with his beak. Once, I slowly turned and even got him to approach and give me a kiss. Bear in mind that Kelele was a wild-caught bird and has still not been hand-tamed. But he has become a lot more trusting of us, just as a result of daily interaction with him. Trusting to the point where he will initiate physical contact. That fairly amazes me, really.
Labels: parrots