Sexiest guy on the Internets....
If smart is sexy, then Billmon is the shit! Go check him out, now!
Well, in the spirit of the parrot video, here is another one that I found very amusing.
In today's paper of record:
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, cited Mr. Bush's statements about firing anyone involved in the leak and said, "I trust they will follow through on this pledge."
Sorry, but I have a hard time believing the sense of entitlement that some of these kiddies seem to have:
Experienced adults, who've worked full time for several years and lived to tell about it, often say that 9-to-5 jobs are rare in today's professional world. But to current and former college students, 40-hour workweeks are just about as bearable as dorm food. After years of dashing from class to lunch to library to gym, sitting in a matchbox cubicle for hours on end can feel more than a little confining.
Sad news from London this morning, as coordinated attacks on the transit system kill dozens and injure many more.
If you have not seen this, go watch the video right now.
I have received my copy of the climate change assessment report; haven't had a chance to do more than page through it. It isn't as nicely produced as the AMAP reports (no color illustrations, for example, and the quality of the paper isn't as good). I will have more to say when I get a chance to acutally look at the content.
It looks like Juan Cole is going to be on Open Source, Christopher Leyden's current NPR talk show (I still miss The Connection).
PlameGate (Boosh Admin leaks name of covert CIA operative to press);
Happy BlowShitUp Day! Please be considerate of your neighbors and local fireworks restrictions.
According to today's NYT, the latest effort to trash environmental regulation will be a proposal to limit the Endangered Species Act. The limits it will apparently put on listing subpecies, stocks, or ESUs (evolutionarily significant units - a segment of the population, which, if lost, would lead to a significant decline in the genetic diversity of the remaining population) is bad enough. But this proposal also would limit what could be done to preserve habitat. As habitat loss is a leading cause of species decline in the first place, this is an extraordinarily bad thing.